
International Journal of Indic Religions

Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for International Journal of Indic Religions

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to International Journal of Indic Religions.


The Journal articles should include a one page abstract of 300 to 500 words.

Peer Review

The author is free to suggest names of the subject experts in respective fields of the article. However, the IJIR does not guarantee that the paper will be reviewed by those particular experts.


Manuscripts should be submitted in world and PDF format. Contributions can range in length between twenty-to-forty (20-50) pages. Articles should not be shorter than 20 pages and it should not exceed approximately fifty (50) pages including Notes and References. Short reflections, reviews, and field notes do no have any length specifications.


Quotations that exceed three lines should be set off in a separate paragraph with extra margins (.5).


Punctuation is placed inside the close quotation mark if there is no immediate citation. For example, “...doing everything no matter the consequences.” Otherwise, punctuation is placed outside the close parenthesis of the citation. For example, “... doing everything no matter the consequences” (Smith et al., 1994, 98).


Figures should be referred to as “Fig.” in the captions, but spelled out in the text. They should be numbered consecutively. A detailed caption should accompany each figure. Camera-ready figures are required.

Line Drawings

Line drawings should be drawn in India ink on white paper if submitted as hard copy.

Pictures and artwork

Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher if grey scale and 600 dpi if line art; sized to fit on journal page; EPS or TIFF format only; submitted as separate files, not embedded in text files. If submitted as EPS, fonts should be embedded. Photographs in color and black-and-white high resolutions JPEC format are accepted for publication.


Tables should be numbered consecutively and placed at the end of the article.

Corresponding text citations should be placed in the text. Works in the References section should be listed alphabetically. Example:

Kinnes, I.1988. ‘The Cattleship Potemkin: Reflections on the First Neolithic in Britain,” in J. Barrett and I. Kinnes. Editors. The Archaeology of Context. PP. 308– 11. Sheffield: University of Sheffield.

Roese, H.1982. ‘Some Aspects of Topographical Locations of Neolithic and Bronze Age Monuments in Wales’, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 29 (1): 763– 5.