Most Recent Additions*
The Ethical Implications of Pharmaceutical Price Gouging in Appalachia
lexy urban, Elkin Ramirez-Vazquez, and Derrick Parker
Balancing Health and Profits: Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Katherine J. Miller, James P. White, and Malachi A. Shugert
Sacrificing the Few for the Many
Joshua Lawson, Allison Hurley, and Tyler Adams
Should She Stay or Should She Go?: A Business Ethics Dilemma
Ann Yost Wilger and Evan Siberell
A Social Contract in Crisis: Do Drug Rehabilitation Centers Help or Harm Local Communities?
Cameron Peek, Terry Noel, and Trezhan Beard
Discussing the Opioid Crisis Through Corporate Action and Blue Collar Workers in Appalachia: A Study Based on Purdue Pharma Case
Brittani Wolfenbarker and Jada Johnson
Pill Mills and the Opioid Crisis in Appalachia: Patient Autonomy vs. Ethical Responsibility
James Bodrock and Bianca Robinson
Navigating Ethical Responsibilities at the A-Plant in Piketon, Ohio: Applying Corporate Social Responsibility and Investment Frameworks
Alexia Hurn, Gloria Atuahene, and Sanaya Gregory
Master's Portfolio
Ryan Lewis Landers
Master's Portfolio
Audrey Christensen
Master's Portfolio
Christina Thomas
Master's Portfolio
Cindy Daniels
Master's Portfolio
Sarah Gamble
*Updated as of 03/11/25.