Appalachia in New Media: Misrepresentations and its Effects on a Population


Shawnee State University



Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Oral Presentation (Live)


Appalachia, Stereotypes


Appalachia cannot be described by words in black and white. The region is vibrant, diverse, and filled to the brim with talented, passionate people. Appalachia has a rich history and vast collection of interesting cultural facets. Often, Appalachia's culture and history is slandered, misrepresented, and reduced to a grouping of skewed facts by outside journalists and writers looking to simply reaffirm outdated, inaccurate stereotypes of the region. This paper will examine certain types of online articles written about Appalachia. Although some are positive and professional, others are disrespectful and poorly written, and therefore detrimental to the way the outside world views the region.

Faculty Mentor Name

Sherri Powell

Faculty Mentor Title

Senior Instructor, First Year Experience Coordinator

Faculty Mentor Department

Individualized Studies


KRI 157

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Mar 27th, 4:00 PM Mar 27th, 6:00 PM

Appalachia in New Media: Misrepresentations and its Effects on a Population

KRI 157

Appalachia cannot be described by words in black and white. The region is vibrant, diverse, and filled to the brim with talented, passionate people. Appalachia has a rich history and vast collection of interesting cultural facets. Often, Appalachia's culture and history is slandered, misrepresented, and reduced to a grouping of skewed facts by outside journalists and writers looking to simply reaffirm outdated, inaccurate stereotypes of the region. This paper will examine certain types of online articles written about Appalachia. Although some are positive and professional, others are disrespectful and poorly written, and therefore detrimental to the way the outside world views the region.