Effectiveness of Teachers Using I-Pads to Improve Student’s Reading Comprehension in Saudi Arabia
Shawnee State University
Intervention Specialist
Presentation Types
Oral Presentation (Live)
Reading, Saudi Arabia, Ipads
Over the past few years, various technological devices have been introduced in the classroom across the globe. The use of iPads in the classrooms has increased. The government of Saudi Arabia in an attempt to enhance the learning process has introduced iPads to various categories of students. This study will assess the effectiveness of using iPads in classrooms in Saudi Arabia. The study will evaluate the effectiveness of using iPads and literacy. The study will have a total of 397 male students from Taif region of Saudi Arabia. The study will be conducted using the exploratory case study research design. The study will have a control group which will not be given iPads and an experimental group that will be given iPads. In order to assess performance, the study will give the students a pre-test and post-study test.
Faculty Mentor Name
Shane Shope
Faculty Mentor Department
School of Education
Recommended Citation
Almuqati, Faisal, "Effectiveness of Teachers Using I-Pads to Improve Student’s Reading Comprehension in Saudi Arabia" (2019). Celebration of Scholarship. 10.
MUC 214
Effectiveness of Teachers Using I-Pads to Improve Student’s Reading Comprehension in Saudi Arabia
MUC 214
Over the past few years, various technological devices have been introduced in the classroom across the globe. The use of iPads in the classrooms has increased. The government of Saudi Arabia in an attempt to enhance the learning process has introduced iPads to various categories of students. This study will assess the effectiveness of using iPads in classrooms in Saudi Arabia. The study will evaluate the effectiveness of using iPads and literacy. The study will have a total of 397 male students from Taif region of Saudi Arabia. The study will be conducted using the exploratory case study research design. The study will have a control group which will not be given iPads and an experimental group that will be given iPads. In order to assess performance, the study will give the students a pre-test and post-study test.