BMP4 Expression in the Embryonic Chick Eye Following Induced Gestational Diabetes


Shawnee State University


Biomedical Sciences, Biology

Student Type

Undergraduate Student


BMP4, Chick Embryo, Diabetes


Human adults with diabetes pose a 60% higher risk for cataract development. Similarly, metabolic conditions in a mother’s womb may induce congenital cataracts- a diagnosis with possible complications such as permanent visual impairment, amblyopia, and nystagmus. It is known that expression of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) is needed for proper formation of the eye in Gallus gallus domesticus. The aim of our current research is to create a timeline of when and where BMP4 expression occurs in the developing chick eye. To investigate the effects of BMP4 signaling in early stages of eye development, we will implant BMP4 soaked beads in the chick. Future research will observe the effects of gestational diabetes on expression of BMP4, using a model system formed by treating the developmental environment with glucose solution. We hypothesize that altering the metabolic conditions will result in disruption of the BMP4 mechanism and induction of cataract formation.

Faculty Mentor Name

Kimberly Inman

Faculty Mentor Title

Associate Professor, Natural Sciences

Faculty Mentor Department

Natural Sciences


Morris UC Lobby

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Mar 27th, 4:00 PM Mar 27th, 5:00 PM

BMP4 Expression in the Embryonic Chick Eye Following Induced Gestational Diabetes

Morris UC Lobby

Human adults with diabetes pose a 60% higher risk for cataract development. Similarly, metabolic conditions in a mother’s womb may induce congenital cataracts- a diagnosis with possible complications such as permanent visual impairment, amblyopia, and nystagmus. It is known that expression of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) is needed for proper formation of the eye in Gallus gallus domesticus. The aim of our current research is to create a timeline of when and where BMP4 expression occurs in the developing chick eye. To investigate the effects of BMP4 signaling in early stages of eye development, we will implant BMP4 soaked beads in the chick. Future research will observe the effects of gestational diabetes on expression of BMP4, using a model system formed by treating the developmental environment with glucose solution. We hypothesize that altering the metabolic conditions will result in disruption of the BMP4 mechanism and induction of cataract formation.