Digital Commons @ Shawnee State University - Celebration of Scholarship: Featured Speaker, Dr. Jennifer Chambers

Featured Speaker, Dr. Jennifer Chambers


Shawnee State University

Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types



Featured Speaker

Dr. Jennifer Chambers

Associate Professor of Education, University of the Cumberlands Thursday, March, 28th at 11:00 am
Sodexo Ballroom, Morris University Center

Don't Place Your Diploma on a Shelf

We are all born with a desire for exploration, but some people lose their sense of adventure along the way and just become "content." There's nothing wrong with being content, it's definitely fine for some people because being content usually also comes with feeling "safe." I was content teaching third grade. I had tenure, so I felt "safe," but if I had just settled for "content" and "safe," I would have never discovered my love for the unknown. I would have always wondered - what if? I may have never truly known myself and what I was capable of achieving. So... don't place your diploma on a shelf and settle for "content" and "safe." Go out there and satisfy your sense of wonder.


Morris UC, Sodexo Ballroom

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Mar 28th, 11:00 AM Mar 28th, 12:00 PM

Featured Speaker, Dr. Jennifer Chambers

Morris UC, Sodexo Ballroom

Featured Speaker

Dr. Jennifer Chambers

Associate Professor of Education, University of the Cumberlands Thursday, March, 28th at 11:00 am
Sodexo Ballroom, Morris University Center

Don't Place Your Diploma on a Shelf

We are all born with a desire for exploration, but some people lose their sense of adventure along the way and just become "content." There's nothing wrong with being content, it's definitely fine for some people because being content usually also comes with feeling "safe." I was content teaching third grade. I had tenure, so I felt "safe," but if I had just settled for "content" and "safe," I would have never discovered my love for the unknown. I would have always wondered - what if? I may have never truly known myself and what I was capable of achieving. So... don't place your diploma on a shelf and settle for "content" and "safe." Go out there and satisfy your sense of wonder.