Effects of Matcha Green Tea Treatment in Acute Myleloid Leukemia


Shawnee State University


Biology (Pre-Med)

Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Oral Group Presentation (Live)


Cancer, Green Tea, Polyphenols, Anti-proliferation


Green tea is a natural product that contains polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. In addition, polyphenols have been shown to have an antiproliferative effect on cancer cells in vitro. In a recent study, matcha green tea treatment inhibited the propagation of breast cancer cells. Our goal is to determine what effects, if any, matcha green tea has on Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) cells. Preliminary results indicate that treatment of THP-1 cells, an AML cell line, with matcha tea extract, results in a dose dependent inhibition of proliferation and cell death. We hope to determine the mechanism underlying these effects by measuring the expression of important cell cycle regulator proteins such as cyclin D1 and cdc6.

Faculty Mentor Name

Jennifer Napper

Faculty Mentor Title

Associate Professor of Biology

Faculty Mentor Department

Natural Sciences


LIB 204

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Mar 28th, 10:00 AM Mar 28th, 10:50 AM

Effects of Matcha Green Tea Treatment in Acute Myleloid Leukemia

LIB 204

Green tea is a natural product that contains polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. In addition, polyphenols have been shown to have an antiproliferative effect on cancer cells in vitro. In a recent study, matcha green tea treatment inhibited the propagation of breast cancer cells. Our goal is to determine what effects, if any, matcha green tea has on Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) cells. Preliminary results indicate that treatment of THP-1 cells, an AML cell line, with matcha tea extract, results in a dose dependent inhibition of proliferation and cell death. We hope to determine the mechanism underlying these effects by measuring the expression of important cell cycle regulator proteins such as cyclin D1 and cdc6.