Excellence in Humanities Award Session

Motivating Struggling Readers

Presenter Information

Rachel Anne ClingmanFollow


Shawnee State University


AYA English Education

Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Oral Presentation (Live)


Motivation, Differentiated Instruction, Visual Aids, Reading Comprehension


The purpose of this study is to look into how one can motivate struggling readers. Focusing on how teachers can motivate struggling readers that are in higher education, high school, why is motivation lacking, why are they behind and how can one bring them up to the desired reading level. There is information swarming the internet about the importance of reading and a student's reading level with a focus only on younger aged students. Something is missing and that is the emphasis on higher education students. This paper will be studying factors that have come into play that have created the result of a students reading level, reading alternatives that will motivate and drive a students desire to read, and motivators educators can use. With the information collected I hope that there can start to be more awareness brought to the deficit in high school readers and what educators can do to find ways to keep students on track and motivated in their reading specifically.

Human and Animal Subjects


IRB or IACUC Approval


Faculty Mentor Name

Dr. John Roush

Faculty Mentor Title

Teacher of Eudcation

Faculty Mentor Department

School of Education

Second Faculty Mentor

Greg Williams

Second Faculty Mentor Title

Adjunct Professor

Second Faculty Mentor Department

School of Education

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Motivating Struggling Readers

The purpose of this study is to look into how one can motivate struggling readers. Focusing on how teachers can motivate struggling readers that are in higher education, high school, why is motivation lacking, why are they behind and how can one bring them up to the desired reading level. There is information swarming the internet about the importance of reading and a student's reading level with a focus only on younger aged students. Something is missing and that is the emphasis on higher education students. This paper will be studying factors that have come into play that have created the result of a students reading level, reading alternatives that will motivate and drive a students desire to read, and motivators educators can use. With the information collected I hope that there can start to be more awareness brought to the deficit in high school readers and what educators can do to find ways to keep students on track and motivated in their reading specifically.