Assessing Intructional Strategies for High School Mathematics Classrooms


Shawnee State University


Integrated Mathematics Education

Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Oral Group Presentation (Live)


High School, Mathematics, Cooperative Learning, Instructional Strategies


The two of us have conducted research into different instructional strategies in the mathematics classroom, and how it affects student participation and motivation. One incorporated multiple strategies and the other focused on one throughout their study.

Faculty Mentor Name

John Roush

Faculty Mentor Title

Assistant Professor of Education

Faculty Mentor Department

School of Education


KRI 157

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Mar 27th, 1:00 PM Mar 27th, 1:50 PM

Assessing Intructional Strategies for High School Mathematics Classrooms

KRI 157

The two of us have conducted research into different instructional strategies in the mathematics classroom, and how it affects student participation and motivation. One incorporated multiple strategies and the other focused on one throughout their study.