Marketing Medical Lab and Musical Theatre Programs: How Two Class Projects Put Principles Into Practice
Shawnee State University
Presentation Types
Oral Group Presentation (Live)
Marketing, Branding, Marketing Management
Students in the BUMK4000 Marketing Management course welcomed the directors of two academic programs, Musical Theatre and Medical Laboratory Technology, as clients. Following extensive interviews, the students worked several weeks on a detailed marketing plan for each program. The students updated SSU Marketing and Communications of their efforts and assured their proposals aligned with planned university marketing and branding. The groups presented their plans to the directors at the end of the semester as professionally prepared materials suitable for actual, practical marketing.
Faculty Mentor Name
Jason Lovins
Faculty Mentor Title
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Faculty Mentor Department
Recommended Citation
Ventre, Joseph; Ball, Olivia; McKinney, Shane; Johnson, Misty; Gallagher, Joseph; and Thomas, Robert, "Marketing Medical Lab and Musical Theatre Programs: How Two Class Projects Put Principles Into Practice" (2019). Celebration of Scholarship. 4.
MUC 214
Marketing Medical Lab and Musical Theatre Programs: How Two Class Projects Put Principles Into Practice
MUC 214
Students in the BUMK4000 Marketing Management course welcomed the directors of two academic programs, Musical Theatre and Medical Laboratory Technology, as clients. Following extensive interviews, the students worked several weeks on a detailed marketing plan for each program. The students updated SSU Marketing and Communications of their efforts and assured their proposals aligned with planned university marketing and branding. The groups presented their plans to the directors at the end of the semester as professionally prepared materials suitable for actual, practical marketing.