Self Defense and Deliberative Debate Class in Early Education


Shawnee State University



Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Oral Presentation (Live)


Self Defense, Purposeful Debate


Creation of a two-fold course for students in grades 3-5 which provide instruction on self defense and deliberative debate. Course curriculum provides fundamental instruction on self defense and self control along with de-escalation focus. Course will additionally provide instruction on communication foundations for respectful discussion and debate principals for purposeful dialogue and understanding

Faculty Mentor Name

Aaron Bruewer

Faculty Mentor Title

Professor, School of Education

Faculty Mentor Department

School of Education


MUC 214

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Mar 27th, 3:00 PM Mar 27th, 3:50 PM

Self Defense and Deliberative Debate Class in Early Education

MUC 214

Creation of a two-fold course for students in grades 3-5 which provide instruction on self defense and deliberative debate. Course curriculum provides fundamental instruction on self defense and self control along with de-escalation focus. Course will additionally provide instruction on communication foundations for respectful discussion and debate principals for purposeful dialogue and understanding