Thursday, 4/7/2022


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Shawnee State University


Master of Occupational Therapy

Student Type

Graduate Student

Presentation Types

Poster Group Presentation


occupational functioning, inter-rater reliability, content validity, Model of Human Occupation


This psychometric study examined the content validity and inter-rater reliability of the Assessment of Occupational Functioning - Collaborative version through content validity index and percent agreement to determine clinical usefulness and alignment with the current version of the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO). Data was gathered in two phases over four months. The AOF-CV was administered virtually to nine college students to assess inter-rater reliability. Content validity was addressed by content expert interview and use of content validity index, along with review of AOF-CV interviews with the participants. Inter-rater reliability was established through percent agreement to equal 84.35%. The results from this study reveal the AOF-CV is compatible with virtual administration, yields information relevant for creating an occupational profile and aligns with the current edition of the MOHO.

Human Subjects


IRB Approval


Faculty Mentor Name

Christine Raber

Faculty Mentor Title

Professor, Occupational Therapy

Faculty Mentor Academic Department

Rehabilitation Therapies



Content Validity and Inter-Rater Reliability of the Assessment of Occupational Functioning - Collaborative Version

This psychometric study examined the content validity and inter-rater reliability of the Assessment of Occupational Functioning - Collaborative version through content validity index and percent agreement to determine clinical usefulness and alignment with the current version of the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO). Data was gathered in two phases over four months. The AOF-CV was administered virtually to nine college students to assess inter-rater reliability. Content validity was addressed by content expert interview and use of content validity index, along with review of AOF-CV interviews with the participants. Inter-rater reliability was established through percent agreement to equal 84.35%. The results from this study reveal the AOF-CV is compatible with virtual administration, yields information relevant for creating an occupational profile and aligns with the current edition of the MOHO.