Shawnee State University
Masters OT
Presentation Types
Poster Group Presentation (Live)
The use of immersive technology is an emerging area of occupational therapy (OT) practice and is evolving within adult traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation. Three occupational therapists completed an online survey to identify and understand descriptive statistics related to the use of immersive technology for OT evaluation and intervention across rehabilitation settings for adults with a TBI. Although participants reported differing years in practice, practice setting, level of education, and specialized certifications, participants reported using immersive technology for occupational therapy intervention but not evaluation when working in adult TBI rehabilitation. Implications for practice included the use of immersive technology as a beneficial intervention for adults with TBI and was within the scope of occupational therapy practice. Results were consistent with current occupational therapy practice guidelines, which supported using immersive technology in occupational therapy interventions to improve outcomes in adult TBI rehabilitation.
Human and Animal Subjects
IRB or IACUC Approval
Recommended Citation
Cannoy, Alissa M. MOT, OTR/L, CBIS, AIB-VR/CON, "The Use of Immersive Technology for the Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention of Adults with a Traumatic Brain Injury Researchers" (2024). Celebration of Scholarship. 1.
The Use of Immersive Technology for the Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention of Adults with a Traumatic Brain Injury Researchers
The use of immersive technology is an emerging area of occupational therapy (OT) practice and is evolving within adult traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation. Three occupational therapists completed an online survey to identify and understand descriptive statistics related to the use of immersive technology for OT evaluation and intervention across rehabilitation settings for adults with a TBI. Although participants reported differing years in practice, practice setting, level of education, and specialized certifications, participants reported using immersive technology for occupational therapy intervention but not evaluation when working in adult TBI rehabilitation. Implications for practice included the use of immersive technology as a beneficial intervention for adults with TBI and was within the scope of occupational therapy practice. Results were consistent with current occupational therapy practice guidelines, which supported using immersive technology in occupational therapy interventions to improve outcomes in adult TBI rehabilitation.