What are you drinking?

Presenter Information

Kennedy DucksonFollow


Shawnee State University



Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Poster Presentation (Live)


Bacteria, Fungus, Contaminated Pop Cans


In light of recent healthcare events, concerns about infectious agents on different surfaces have been rising. Typically very few people clean off their gas station pop cans before drinking them. The focus of my research is to see if there is a need to take such actions. In my research, I will be identifying and quantifying bacterial growth found on pop cans. I will also be looking into the fungal growth found on the aluminum cans, as well. In order to take a closer look into this, I have sampled five cans from ten different gas stations in Scioto County. Aluminum does not typically sustain bacterial growth. However, my research shows that there are bacteria and fungi on these cans.

Human and Animal Subjects


Faculty Mentor Name

Eugene Burns

Faculty Mentor Title


Faculty Mentor Department

Natural Sciences

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What are you drinking?

In light of recent healthcare events, concerns about infectious agents on different surfaces have been rising. Typically very few people clean off their gas station pop cans before drinking them. The focus of my research is to see if there is a need to take such actions. In my research, I will be identifying and quantifying bacterial growth found on pop cans. I will also be looking into the fungal growth found on the aluminum cans, as well. In order to take a closer look into this, I have sampled five cans from ten different gas stations in Scioto County. Aluminum does not typically sustain bacterial growth. However, my research shows that there are bacteria and fungi on these cans.