Do Manipulatives Help Improve Students Phonics and Math Skills ?
Shawnee State University
Early Childhood Special Education
Presentation Types
Oral Presentation (Live)
Manipulatives, Kindergarten, Student Engagement
The purpose of this study is to experiment to see to see if implementing hands on activities increases engagement in kindergarten students. Is there a difference when using hands on activities and when not? I want to look at this topic to see if student engagement increases with the use of these hands-on materials . Manipulates used will range counters, alphabet tiles,Unifix cubes, and counting bears.
Faculty Mentor Name
Kejing Liu
Faculty Mentor Title
Professor, School of Education
Faculty Mentor Department
School of Education
Recommended Citation
Hayden, Rebecca, "Do Manipulatives Help Improve Students Phonics and Math Skills ?" (2019). Celebration of Scholarship. 27.
ATC 220
Do Manipulatives Help Improve Students Phonics and Math Skills ?
ATC 220
The purpose of this study is to experiment to see to see if implementing hands on activities increases engagement in kindergarten students. Is there a difference when using hands on activities and when not? I want to look at this topic to see if student engagement increases with the use of these hands-on materials . Manipulates used will range counters, alphabet tiles,Unifix cubes, and counting bears.