Digital Commons @ Shawnee State University - Celebration of Scholarship: Three-Act Tasks and Increasing Student Motivation

Three-Act Tasks and Increasing Student Motivation


Shawnee State University


Middle Childhood Education Math and Science

Student Type

Undergraduate Student

Presentation Types

Oral Presentation (Live)


Three-act task, Student Motivation, Participation, Mathematics


The purpose of this study is to implement strategies that increase student motivation and participation by teaching them how to ask questions that require higher-level thinking. For this study, students will complete a KWL chart, as well as a three-act task, which allows them to self-regulate their learning. Participants will engage in a classroom survey which will allow me analyze their overall thoughts and feelings towards the KWL chart and three-act task, I will also be able to determine if the participants were able to learn the intended math concepts by completing these two activities.

Faculty Mentor Name

John Roush

Faculty Mentor Title

Assistant Professor of Education

Faculty Mentor Department

School of Education


KRI 157

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Mar 27th, 1:00 PM Mar 27th, 1:50 PM

Three-Act Tasks and Increasing Student Motivation

KRI 157

The purpose of this study is to implement strategies that increase student motivation and participation by teaching them how to ask questions that require higher-level thinking. For this study, students will complete a KWL chart, as well as a three-act task, which allows them to self-regulate their learning. Participants will engage in a classroom survey which will allow me analyze their overall thoughts and feelings towards the KWL chart and three-act task, I will also be able to determine if the participants were able to learn the intended math concepts by completing these two activities.